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My Testimony

Proclaiming God's Word to the Nations

My Testimony is for Jesus Christ, The King of All Kings


"I believe in the bible, I believe that all good things come from God.  I don't believe I'd sing the way I do if God hadn't wanted me to. "My voice is God's will, not mine."

I am a Christian and a follower of Jesus Christ. I have been asked how is it possible to serve and live for God's glory, yet devote so much time emulating a man whose own faith and life is subject to question.  This is a valid point that I would like to comment on. Elvis was a spiritual man full of love and compassion.  He gave himself, his talents and his money to people everywhere. It's sad that in the end he let his use of prescription drugs get out of control and it cost him his life. Elvis will answer to God for his deeds both good and bad.  Its a shame that people dwell on things he did wrong.  God's Word says, "No man is righteous, not one." 


Thankfully, I choose to dwell on the wonderful thing Elvis gave to the world: his incredible music. It is my deepest belief that my own talents, gifts, and resources come from God and God alone. He has given me a gift to share with others and has opened many doors for me in the entertainment business. He allows me to bring joy to people's lives in a fun and positive way.  Being Elvis is simply acting, just like a play or a good movie. My wonderful family, friends, and even my pastor are totally supportive of my career as an entertainer. God calls us to serve not only him, but our fellow man also; to love others and give of ourselves.  When I see the joy that my gifts bring to other people, it gives me great pleasure and blesses me deeply.  I'm not a seeker of fame and glory, but lift up my success to God's glory.  Although my career is a tribute to Elvis my life is a tribute to Jesus.  I never force that on anyone, but I am always happy to share his great love. God loves us all and desperately longs for a personal relationship.


Many religions put stipulations and obstacles between you and God.  Jesus said, " Behold I stand and knock at the door, if you hear my voice and open it I will come in and you will be saved."  That means life will last forever, and life is abundant right now. WOW, what a promise! God is all about love, not rules and burdens that many people are scared to try to live up to.  He loves you as you are and wants to lighten your load. The spirit of the world is God's enemy and has led many to deny him and miss what he has in store for their lives.  But I do not worry because He who is in me is greater than he who is of this world. I challenge you to give Christ a chance to make your life awesome and fulfilling. I am living proof that God is still in the miracle business! Christ's death was not in vein, but gave us hope and love for anyone that surrenders their heart to him.  There really is an answer to the problems we face every day... Faith in Jesus—it's never too late to call on him.


God Bless And Peace To All
~Caesare Belvano


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